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  • 97% of native British Wildflower habitat has been lost since World War 2
  • 1 pack contains 1000s of seeds from 18 native wildflower species, mixed with local, protective clay and sifted, nurturing top soil
  •  1 pack provides coverage for roughly 21 sq ft / 2m²
  • Beebombs are a mix of 50% annuals and 50% perennial species providing natural and diverse habitat.Beebombs use only sustainable packaging. No 'one use plastics' used
  • Almost all of the seeds contained are on the Royal Horticultural Society's 'Perfect for Pollinators' list. Read more about the RHS 'Perfect for Pollinators' here.



We bought one or these in 2018 and the flowers are still coming back year after year with a beautiful selection. With Beebombs you can re-create our lost habitats and help bring back the bees. We also love that these are sustainably made, in Dorset

Beebombs - Native Meadow Flowers

    • Beebombs are designed to ensure creating a diverse and thriving wildflower meadow, could not be easier
    • Dorset Wildflower Bee Bombs need no gardening skill, no tilling or sowing in the traditional sense
    • Just throw your Bee Bombs onto cleared soil and await the blossom of colour and return of native bee and butterfly species
    • Bee Bombs can be scattered throughout the year, the clay protects them until they are ready to germinate
    • Around 20% will start flowering in the first year. Biennials and Perennials in the mix will start blossoming in the 2nd year
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